DNA concept art

Privacy Policy

This website is the property of Stilla Technologies; the head office is located at 1 Mail du Professeur Georges Mathé, 94 800, Villejuif, France.

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The publication director of this website is Rémi Dangla, as CEO of Stilla Technologies.

The website Stilla Technologies is hosted by OVH company; the head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100, Roubaix, France.

Consistently with the provisions of the French law of 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties, the automated treatment of personal carried out using Stilla Technologies website is subject to a declaration to the CNIL (The French Data Protection Authority). The user is informed that, in accordance with Article 32 of the aforementioned law of 6 January 1978 relating to Information Technology, Files and Civil Liberties; information provided by the user via the on-line forms existing on this website are necessary in order to fulfill their request and are intended to be used by the website operator for administrative and commercial purposes. The information will be able to, except with opposition of the user, be communicated to the partners. The user is also informed that he/she has the right to access and correct data pertaining to him/her by writing to the website operator at the following address: Stilla Technologies, 1 Mail du Professeur Georges Mathé, 94 800, Villejuif-France.

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The content of Stilla Technologies website is entirely subject to French law, both regarding form and substance.